Children can play safely in the wider world

Experiential and learning-type kids metavers KidsTopia.

Children can experience, learn and grow in the metaverse world

with AI characters 'Yuppi and Friends'

Experiential & Learning type
Metaverse KidsTopia

Children's learning will happen naturally by groingw avatar while playing with AI friends

My Avatar

Express yourself as an avatar with your own personality in Yuppy star

Fun with friends

Adventure with AI Yuppi and friends, and other online friends

Learning by playing

Grow avatar by collecting the picturebooks and achieving various missions.

Quest and Achievement

 Learn naturally by playing activities and Interacting with AI friends

Another me in the metaverse world!
Express your own avatar freely

You can decorate your avatar in the world with hundreds of items.
Let's express out your personality with your alt character that grows as you adventure.

Experience variety of things to do with friends.

A variety of things to enjoy with friends are prepared, such as
Snowball fight, Soccer field, Jump map, Camping zone, and Beach.

A different attraction
from reality!
Enjoy a vivid experience
in the Metaverse

Feel new enjoy beyond reality in the experience space with various themes.
It arouses children's curiosity and fun, experience life-like experiences and new pleasures.

Learn naturally
by solving various types of
quizzes and missions
prepared for each experience space.

Learn naturally by solving quizzes with various topics and difficulties.
Acquire items, and grow with your avatar and yourself.

Field Study

Solving Quizzes

Achievement Status

Achievement Badges

Personal Mission

Collecting PictureBook

Talk freely with 'AI Yuppi and friends'
and get closer

AI characters become your friends and teachers, and play and communicate

AI Yuppi

Talk freely with smart AI Yupi any time

AI pinky

AI Pinky's various quizzes and rewards

AI Connie

Make a storybook with AI Connie

AI HoleMan

20 questions quiz with AI HoleMan

We are looking forward
to new and diverse
partnership opportunities
with Kidstopia.

Kidtopia is looking for various partnership opportunities
to deliver new values to children and increase synergy.

We look forward to the proposal of a partnership
between kids education and content companies that
will build a space in Kids Topia and do new business together.


애플 아이폰과 아이패드 버전은
현재 등록 심사중이예요.

빨리 출시될 수 있도록 노력 하고 있어요.

